¡Saludos, aventureros!
Aeternum is an ever-evolving world, and as such, we continue our efforts in providing an assortment of ongoing new features, content, and changes. Similar to the activities leading up to our latest major update, we are approaching the release of our next large release and would like to invite you all to participate in the next cycle of our Public Test Realm (PTR)!
The Public Test Realm (PTR) is a limited-availability server-set that grants an early look at upcoming features. These preview builds are snapshots of upcoming major releases and are not final versions — you may encounter bugs, crashes, missing text, or other issues. Between our internal testing efforts and your reports, we hope to catch and resolve all serious issues before they reach the live servers. Hundreds of changes have already been made — with more to come — and the full release notes will be shared on release day. However, not every bug or feedback piece will be actioned on before release — some changes need time to be investigated further, and may arrive in a subsequent patch or two.
To help with the feedback process, all newly created PTR characters will have the opportunity to instantly level to select level-ranges outfitted with appropriate gear and items.
The PTR will officially open tomorrow, October 27. To maximize world population and encourage group play, we will open with two worlds available (“US East PTR 1” and “EU PTR 1”) for this playtest cycle, located within US East and EU Central regional datacenters respectively. You may have to change your client regional selection from the main menu in order to discover your intended test world. Existing test characters have been wiped for this cycle, to ensure thorough testing of the early game experience changes and ensure feedback is evaluated at the same difficulty benchmarks as we roll out new features across the next several weeks.
Si descubrís un error o una vulnerabilidad o tenéis sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar alguna parte del contenido, podéis mandarnos vuestros comentarios al PTR sub-forum (o con la herramienta de comentarios del juego). Haremos lo posible para responder a tantas opiniones como podamos antes de actualizar los servidores principales. ¡Vuestra participación nos ayudará a tener actualizaciones con contenido fantástico en el futuro!
Major Updates
During this iteration of the PTR, we look forward to hearing your playtest feedback on the following changes:
New Mutated Expedition - Starstone Barrows / Amrine Mash-Up
This new take on Starstone Barrows includes a special appearance. Players will revisit parts of the Amrine Expedition and face both the intrepid Simon Grey and Foreman Nakashima. Challenge the Expedition to find out more.
Crafting and Refining Station Tier Changes
We are making two major changes to improve the Trade Skill leveling experience:
The Forge, Outfitting Station, Workshop, and Arcane Repository now offer Azoth discounts for relevant recipes.
Tier 3 = 20% discount.
Tier 4 = 30% discount.
Tier 5 = 45% discount.
Certain recipes will no longer be gated behind tiers:
Crafting Stations
Most procedural weapon and armor recipes.
Arcane Repository - Stat potions (Health, Mana, Regeneration, and Focus) and elemental recipes.
Kitchen - Health and mana foods
Refining Stations
Tier 3 unlocks - Recipe level is less than or equal to 100 and not legendary.
Tier 4 unlocks - Recipe level is 150 and not legendary.
Tier 5 unlocks - Recipe level is 200 or legendary at any recipe level.
Stonecutting - All gemcutting is no longer gated, but gem fusions remain gated behind relevant tiers.
Rolling PTR Updates
No perdáis de vista la web de PTR section of the forums for updates on when the following features will become available:
Joining Companies Unfactioned
Players no longer need to be in a Faction to join a Company, but Companies must still declare a Faction. Non-Faction-affiliated members may not become the Governor or participate in Wars.
Group Finder Active Lobby Counts
Players can now see the number of active lobbies for each Expedition, both on the Map tooltip and the Expedition Entrance screen.
Shell Company Mitigation
We will implement the following changes to make shell Companies less effective at owning multiple territories:
Daily War Limit
Players will have a limit of 1 defensive War and 1 attacking War per world (resets daily at 5AM server time). These limits will apply to both even if you have two different characters in the same world.
War Roster Restrictions
Participating Companies will have a limited number of Mercenaries they can recruit.
Attacking Companies: Up to 40 mercenaries.
Defending Companies: Up to 15 mercenaries.
The remaining slots are reserved for their Company members.
Company Switching Cooldowns
When leaving a Company, players will start a 72 hour cooldown on fighting in a defensive War and earning Influence for any Company toward War declaration eligibility. The cooldown begins once a player leaves. Any Influence earned will still count towards the player’s Faction.
Leaderboards will reward players, Companies, and Factions across the following categories:
Mutated Expeditions
Faction War
Vs. Environment
Vs. Players
Habilidades de oficio
Every category contains subcategories. For example, Faction War includes Territory Control Score. Finish in the top 10 of any Leaderboard at the end of weekly, monthly, or quarterly rotations for exclusive skins, achievements, and titles. Rewards cannot be earned in the PTR.
This special preview client will be made available for download through the stand-alone Steam application, “New World Public Test Realm” (which should already be in your Steam library if you own the main game). When the test period is complete and the main New World game is updated with the previewed content, the PTR world will shut down and may be wiped clean. You will continue to see the New World PTR application in your Steam library, but there will not be an active server until the next time we announce a public test
Upon character creation on the PTR, players will be given multiple caches of special armor and weapons. Each cache has a designation based upon a general build and a main attribute: CON, DEX, INT, FOC, and STR.
To help manage the sudden onset of new items, do not open all provided caches at once, or you’ll risk becoming encumbered! Instead, equip all provided bags and then follow-up with opening each cache deliberately. Any undesired caches can be dropped or deposited into your personal settlement storage.
Preguntas frecuentes del PTR
Quien tenga una copia de New World recibirá acceso automático a la aplicación secundaria del Reino público de pruebas. Este no es compatible con el juego principal, por lo que tendréis que descargar un cliente independiente (y, por tanto, contar con el suficiente espacio en disco). En este cliente tendremos mundos especiales para las regiones correspondientes. No estará disponible en todas las regiones desde el principio. El acceso se otorga por orden de llegada. Podría haber colas.
Por desgracia, no. Son ecosistemas separados, por lo que no es posible en estos momentos. Sin embargo, para facilitar las pruebas, os proporcionaremos ciertas ventajas en algunas ocasiones, como niveles instantáneos, equipo especial, etc.
Las versiones de avance del PTR han superado la fase de desarrollo y están en pruebas para corregir errores. Aunque os agradeceremos todas vuestras opiniones, la principal finalidad de esta fase es aumentar la calidad.
Nuestras políticas y Código de conducta también se aplican al PTR y tendremos moderación para el juego. Lamentablemente, debido a la naturaleza potencialmente inestable y temporal del Reino público de pruebas, no ofreceremos atención al cliente general mediante chat en vivo ni la página web de asistencia.
No nos lo tomaremos a mal. Podréis gestionar la visibilidad de la aplicación del Reino público de pruebas de New World en la biblioteca de Steam. Abrid las opciones del juego (clic derecho > Administrar) y tendréis la opción de «Ocultar este juego».
¡Gracias por vuestra asistencia y participación! Nos vemos en Aetérnum.