Ciao, avventuriero!
New World Update 5.0.4 downtime will begin at 11:00PM PT (6:00AM UTC) on July 23 and last approximately 1.5 hours. Potenzia le tue armi, affronta e driadi e salva Aeternum dalla Furia dello Spriggan. Check out the full release notes, including various combat bug fixes, below.
Furia dello Spriggan
La Terra è inquieta da quando l'Enneade si è risvegliata. Potenzia le tue armi, affronta e driadi e salva Aeternum dalla Furia dello Spriggan. Courageous players can join 20+ Adventurers in open world encounters from July 24 to August 6 for daily, event-specific rewards.
Gli Sciamani delle driadi sono stati avvistati a Boscobrillante, Scaglia d'ebano, Frutteto dell'Eden, Valle del cordoglio e Deserti di zolfo. Costruisci dei Bracieri fiammeggianti per potenziare le tue armi prima che questi nemici letali invadano Aeternum.
Completion Rewards
Each victory over the Spriggan nets players one of the following rewards:
One level-appropriate procedural weapon or armor piece
Guaranteed to be Rare or above.
Additional guaranteed spoils include:
A roll for various container resources.
A roll of level-appropriate consumables (health, mana, etc.).
1 Obsidian Gypsum (standard 3x loot limit still applies).
Daily Bonus Rewards
Players can topple the Spriggan multiple times throughout the same day, but will only receive a maximum of 3 daily bonus rewards. These reset at 5 AM local time. For example, if a player grabs their third Cache at 4:58 AM, they’ll be able to earn another at 5:01 AM.
Defeat the Spriggan to earn a special Cache (up to 3 daily) containing event-specific loot:
1 event-only Mossborne Weapon:
Guaranteed to have Weapon Appropriate Attribute + Empty Gem Slot + Angry Earth Bane Perk.
1 event-only Mossborne Armor Piece:
Guaranteed to have Armor Weight Appropriate Attribute + Empty Gem Slot + Angry Earth Ward Perk.
20 Dark Matter
Triumphant players also get:
A roll with:
Guaranteed 1 of 12 selected perk resources.
A 25% chance of rolling 1 of 6 exclusive upleveled Named items.
A 5% chance of rolling a Timeless Shard.
A roll with a 2% chance of Spriggan Flame Brazier housing item:
This percentage chance increases slightly after each roll.
Life Staff healing abilities will now cancel properly without costing Mana or incurring ability cooldown when casting a healing spell and the locked-to target dips out of healing range.
Fixed an issue with the Bow that caused slightly faster attack speed when cancelling the Rain Of Arrows, Penetrating Shot, or Poison Shot abilities.
Fixed an issue that caused attack canceling a dodge and then dodging again to not decrease stamina.
Mounts can no longer jump Luna outposts’ walls to bypass the outpost gates.
Seasonal Items
Updated 2024 Summer armor patterns to have correct level requirements.
Grazie per il vostro supporto! Ci vediamo su Aeternum!