New World: Aeternum Update

07 March 2025

Greetings, Adventurers!

New World: Aeternum Update downtime will begin at 11:00 p.m. PT (7:00 a.m. UTC) on March 10th and last approximately 1.5 hours. The latest update brings a host of improvements to combat, seasonal events, and the overall player experience. Here are some of the most notable changes adventurers can look forward to:

Combat Adjustments

  • Fire Staff: The Incinerate ability now properly displays visual effects.

  • Void Gauntlet: The Harvester’s Retribution effect from the Conqueror’s perk no longer lasts indefinitely.

  • Dodge Mechanics: Fixed an issue that prevented magic weapon light attacks from firing when canceling from a dodge.

  • War Boards: Resolved a bug where war boards could appear blank during an invasion or war.

  • Consumables: The Cleansing Elixir buff now correctly disappears after leaving Outpost Rush.

Seasonal & Economy Fixes

  • Players can now lock items dropped from the Siege of Sulfur Spoils Boxes.

  • The Mystery Box from the Seasonal World Bonus chapter is now accessible on non-seasonal worlds.

  • Adjusted Season Pass tasks to ensure they can only be completed in seasonal worlds.

Expeditions & World Adjustments

  • Partial fix for VFX in expeditions and trials to ensure Boss VFX visibility, even with lower GFX settings.

  • The PUG Finder for Normal Expeditions now only gates entry based on level, rather than Gear Score, preventing players from artificially lowering their GS.

UX & Performance Improvements

  • UI Stability: Fixed an issue where all UI elements could disappear when reconnecting to the game after leaving Outpost Rush.

  • Audio Settings: Added a slider to adjust the Target Lock sound effect volume.

  • Trading Post Filtering: Items now properly filter down as intended.

  • Collision Fixes: Resolved unintended collision issues in PvE raids and expeditions, which had been disrupting quest progression.



  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to activate Berserk without playing its animation.

  • Fixed an issue where some effects of primal fury could get applied indefinitely.

Game Modes

  • Fixed an issue where players could climb into war camps.

  • Balance Changes:

  • Changed the tower shield portion of the final countdown portion of defender's resolve to be a fortify instead of base damage reduction.

  • Added a 15s cooldown to the sturdy energy perk increased the cooldown of the stamina recovery perk to 60s.

  • Fixed a potential client crash when selecting healing targets via Raid Hud.

  • Fixed an issue where ranged attacks would often miss crawling Ancient Guardians when using Target Lock.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing the two new artifacts, Fracture and Otzi, to use the wrong floating attachments. They should now display the correct floating accessory when equipped by a player.

Trade Skills - Crafting
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to craft material-related recipes.

World Experience

Season Pass
  • Clarified the requirements for the Trio of Trials Season Journey Task.

Seasonal Event
  • Fixed an issue where Signifer Nerva could animate incorrectly when starting the Legacy of Crassus event.


Notable Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the respawn screen may not show up for players.

  • Fixed an issue where players could not rebind Numpad 0 on their keyboards.


  • Changed description and action text for the Stumble Home Walk emote.


  • Addressed issue where raid group members sometimes display as white indicators on the respawn screen.

  • Fix Fresh Start Server Icon displaying along with Seasonal Server Icon.

  • Fixed being able to attempt transfer from a Fresh-Start World to a Seasonal Server.

In-Game Store
  • Limited-time timer no longer overlaps the title of store item.

With these updates, we’re continuing to refine your experience. Thanks for your support! We’ll see you in Aeternum.
