Rise of the Angry Earth Announcement

30 de Agosto de 2023

Saudações, aventureiros!

Ride mounts, wield a new weapon, and explore transformed lands when New World: Rise of the Angry Earth launches on October 3. We can’t wait for players to experience every new feature, including the story behind the fall of First Light, in our first paid expansion. Discover Aeternum’s next chapter for $29.99. New players can pick up both the base game and the expansion for $69.99 as part of the New World: Elysian Edition bundle.

Look forward to Season 3 updates for all players alongside the release of Rise of the Angry Earth. With revamped mainline story quests, open world PvP changes based on player feedback, and quality of life improvements like the removal of Wards, Banes and Expertise, there has never been a better time to visit the Eternal Isle. Check out the announcement trailer below.

Here’s an overview of every major update coming to New World as part of Rise of the Angry Earth, plus answers to your most common questions such as new system requirements. We’re also happy to offer players a chance to get an early feel for these features in the next PTR.

Rise of the Angry Earth

The lush greenery of Elysian Wilds, powerful new combat options, and primordial Beast Lords await those brave enough to challenge Artemis. You will need to purchase Rise of the Angry Earth to experience the following updates:

Nova História:

First Light has fallen. Once a welcoming place for newcomers to Aeternum, the fields have been ravaged by the fury of the Angry Earth. No one is certain what has become of the people and villages that once populated the area, and a deadly barrier has kept all but the most intrepid from attempting to find out. This abundance of earthly powers has awakened the mighty Beast Lords, a new possible adversary facing the people of Aeternum… but with them also comes a boon - the secret to taming and riding animals.


Summon a mount for faster traversal across Aeternum. Master horses, dire wolves, and lions, each with a unique look, dyeable equipment and a name you can set. Level up the new Riding Trade Skill to earn upgrades like increased speeds, buffs and higher tier consumable food for your new friend.

New Progression

Increase your character’s level to 65 and Gear Score to 700 with new attributes to help power up your builds. Increase Trade Skills to level 250 with new items to gather, refine and craft. Complete a new Faction Quest and unlock a new Faction tier loaded with desirable gear and items.

New Gear Rarity: Artifacts

Find and equip Artifacts, a powerful new tier of weapons and armor. Complete a series of quests and awaken the Artifact’s full potential by unlocking its six perks including one unique playstyle-defining perk to change your game.

Nova arma: Flail

The Flail is a versatile one-handed weapon with the option for an offhand shield. Use arcane magic to enhance attacks and buff allies or debuff enemies for an easier victory. Through a combination of melee, arcane magic, and strong defenses, the wielder can bolster their group’s effectiveness without dropping the offensive.

A Zone Transformed: Elysian Wilds

The southeastern tip of Aeternum, formerly known as First Light, has been invaded by the powers of Artemis and the Angry Earth. Explore the raised structures of this magical new landscape and battle the ferocious beasts that have taken refuge in the verdant, unsettled terrain.

Nova Expedição: The Savage Divide

Embark on a dangerous new Level 62+ Expedition to track down the primordial Beast Lords before chaos emerges from the depths of Aeternum.

Nova Habilidade da Runa de Coração: Primal Fury

Unleash your inner beast to deal unarmed light and heavy attacks on enemies.

Season 3 Content

Influence Races, a new Season Pass, a main storyline quest revamp, and more are coming for all players in Season 3. Here are some of the highlights:

New Season Pass

Season 3 introduces a new Season Journey, new Activity Card, new Challenges, and new rewards.

New Influence Races

Capture new Influence Towers and strike down enemy Factions in open world combat for territorial supremacy. Each Faction will compete for Influence in specific zones during scheduled times. If an attacking Faction earns enough Influence through PvP Missions, Influence Towers, and Forts before the race ends, they’ll receive bonus rewards, plus the opportunity to declare War. If the defending Faction prevents the attackers from scoring enough Influence within the time limit, they’ll earn bonus rewards for both the Influence Race and the next War. Regardless of who wins, the attacking Faction with the most influence can escalate the conflict into War.

New Main Storyline Quest Revamp: Edengrove and Great Cleave

The Edengrove and Great Cleave main storylines are getting an overhaul based on player feedback and improvements made to the revamped starting experience. Experience these familiar zones through fresh narratives, more quest variety, and a few new surprises.

Ward, Bane, Resilience and Expertise Removal

We’re removing Creature Bane Perks, Creature Ward Perks, Resilience Perks, and Expertise based on player feedback. As a result, we will make the following balance changes:

  • For Banes, we’re increasing the base damage of magic and ranged weapons in PvE to make them more effective alternatives to melee options against multiple enemies.

  • For Wards, we’re making adjustments on the AI and encounter side to account for the removal of their defensive and offensive benefits.

  • For Resilience, we’ve added crit reduction to all players via the equip load effects (Light -15%, Medium -20%, Heavy -25%). Current items with this perk will receive the “Health” perk instead which increases the player’s health as a certain percentage of their base health.

  • For Expertise, we’re making adjustments to the Gear Score drops from all creatures based on their level.

Stay tuned for more weapon and perk balance updates as we continue to implement player feedback in Season 3.

Eventos da estação

Events will continue to be free for all players. This season includes the following returning favorites:

Relíquia do Véu Noturno

Costumes are coming alongside the return of Baalphazu, Marquis of Terror. Banish the demon and his horde of ghoulish Pumpkinites for a chance at temporary Mask skins, treats, and other limited-time rewards.

Turkey Terror

O Turkulon voltou para se vingar. Hunt down the feathered menace and his ‘fowl army’ to earn new rewards.

Expansion FAQ

Can I purchase Rise of the Angry Earth without owning the base game?

  • New World is required to play the expansion. Rise of the Angry Earth is a continuation of the main story quest featuring some of the game’s most difficult challenges yet.

Does the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion include the Premium Reward Track?

  • The Premium Reward Track is a separate purchase from the expansion and must be bought individually.

How does Rise of the Angry Earth expansion work across different characters on the same account?

  • New World: Rise of the Angry Earth is account-wide and will be accessible to all of your characters regardless of their world.

Will Rise of the Angry Earth expansion content be available for a limited-time like Seasonal content?

  • No, the expansion content will remain available regardless of the Season, while Seasonal content will continue to cycle about every 3 months.

How will New World: Rise of the Angry Earth impact my ability to join players who do not own the expansion?

  • New World: Rise of the Angry Earth is the only way for players to experience the Elysian Wilds zone, the Primal Fury Heartrune, the Savage Divide Expedition, the Flail weapon, Artifact gear, mounts, progression updates, and revamped Mutations. All other modes, events, and quests will remain accessible for everyone to enjoy together.

What changes are coming to revamped Mutations with Rise of the Angry Earth?

  • To further improve Mutations as an endgame activity, we’ve revamped the experience for level 65 players. As a result, you will need to purchase Rise of the Angry Earth and max out your character level to enter Mutated Expeditions. Based on player feedback, Mutations will have 3 difficulties and a weekly limit of 100 Mutations. This added accessibility means less time waiting for groups and more opportunities for players to help less experienced Adventurers.

  • Players can also look forward to more desirable endgame rewards. For example, players that complete Elite Mutations will have a chance to earn Artifacts. Here’s the difficulty breakdown.

    • Intermediate: Requires 650 gear, includes Mutation

    • Hard: Requires 675 gear, includes Mutation and Promotion

    • Elite: Requires 700 gear, includes Mutation, Promotion, and Curses

What are the system requirements to play New World?

New World has continued to grow since launch and reached a point where the PC requirements for running the game need to scale with these new experiences. To improve the game’s client performance for all players throughout Aeternum, New World will require the following system requirements alongside the release of Rise of the Angry Earth:

Especificações mínimas

  • Sistema Operacional: Windows 10/11 64-bit

  • Processador: Intel Core i5-10500 @ 3.10GHz / AMD Ryzen 3 3300X

  • Memória: 8GB RAM @ 3200 MHz

  • Gráficos: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB / AMD Radeon RX 590

  • DirectX: 11 and 12

  • Disco rígido: 100 GB

  • Armazenamento: SSD or NVMe - 2 GB/s read speed

Especificações recomendadas

  • Sistema Operacional: Windows 10/11 64-bit

  • Processador: Intel Core i7-10700K @ 3.80GHz / AMD Ryzen 5 3600X

  • Memória: 16GB RAM @ 3200 MHz

  • Gráficos: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 / AMD Radeon RX 6600

  • DirectX: 11 and 12

  • Disco rígido: 100 GB

  • Armazenamento: NVMe M.2-2230 - 2.5 GB/s read speed

Nota: Conexão de internet necessária para jogar. PC specs for New World may continue to evolve over time.


O Reino de Teste Público (PTR) é um servidor com capacidade limitada, que oferece uma amostra dos próximos recursos. Estas amostras são imagens dos próximos grandes lançamentos e não são a versão final. Você poderá encontrar erros, travamentos, falta de texto ou outros problemas. Entre nossos testes internos e seus relatórios, esperamos encontrar e resolver todos os problemas graves antes que eles cheguem ao servidor ativo. Centenas de mudanças foram feitas (com mais por vir) e as notas completas serão compartilhadas no dia do lançamento. Porém, nem todo erro ou feedback poderá ou será resolvido antes do lançamento, pois algumas mudanças precisam de mais investigação e poderão chegar em um ou dois patches subsequentes.

Para ajudar com o feedback, todos os novos personagens criados no PTR terão a oportunidade de subir de nível instantaneamente para selecionar intervalos de níveis com equipamentos e itens apropriados.

Stay tuned to our website and social media channels for updates on when the Rise of the Angry Earth and Season 3 PTR will be available. Se você encontrar um bug, exploit ou tiver sugestões para melhorar um recurso ou conteúdo, nós adoraríamos receber seu feedback em nosso Discord (Você também pode usar nossa ferramenta de feedback no jogo). Faremos o possível para agir em relação ao máximo de comentários antes que a atualização do conteúdo chegue aos servidores ativos. Sua participação nos ajudará a entregar um conteúdo incrível e implementar melhorias no futuro!

Durante essa iteração do PTR, esperamos ouvir seus comentários do teste de jogo com relação ao seguinte:

  • Elysian Wilds Zone

  • Rise of the Angry Earth Main Story Quest

  • Edengrove and Great Cleave Main Story Quest Revamp

  • The Savage Divide Expedition

  • Horse Mounts

  • Artifacts

  • Flail

  • Weapon/Perk changes

  • Primal Fury Heartrune

  • Trade Skill and Gear Score changes

  • Influence Race

  • Season 3 Rewards Track


Esse cliente de prévia especial ficará disponível para download através do aplicativo independente do Steam, “Reino de Teste Público New World” (que já deve estar na biblioteca do Steam se você tem o jogo principal). Quando o período de teste estiver completo e o principal jogo do New World estiver atualizado com o conteúdo do teste, o mundo PTR será desligados e poderá ser apagado. Você ainda verá o aplicativo do PTR do New World na biblioteca do Steam, mas não haverá servidores ativos até a próxima vez que anunciarmos um teste público.


Ao criar o personagem no PTR, os jogadores receberão várias provisões de armadura e armas especiais. Cada provisão tem uma designação baseada em uma versão geral e no atributo-base: CON, DES, INT, FOC e FOR.

Para ajudar a gerenciar o aparecimento repentino de novos itens, não abra todos os caches fornecidos de uma só vez, ou você corre o vou risco de ficar sobrecarregado! Em vez disso, equipe as bolsas oferecidas e depois sigam abrindo cada provisão como quiser. Os cachês não desejados podem ser deixados no armazém pessoal do assentamento.


Como posso acessar o novo PTR?

Todos os jogadores com uma cópia do New World terão acesso automático ao segundo aplicativo do PTR. O PTR não é compatível com o jogo ativo, então você precisará fazer o download separado (e ter o espaço necessário no disco rígido). A partir daí, teremos mundos especiais disponíveis nas regiões compatíveis. Nem todas as regiões serão compatíveis inicialmente. O acesso é baseado na ordem de chegada. Poderá haver filas.

Posso jogar com, ou transferir, meus personagens para o PTR?

Infelizmente, não. São ecossistemas separados, por isso no momento não é possível. No entanto, para tornar o teste mais fácil, ocasionalmente forneceremos aos jogadores acomodações especiais, como níveis instantâneos, equipamentos especiais etc.

Can I provide design feedback regarding what’s included in the PTR?

As versões anteriores do jogo de teste no PTR foram concluídas com o desenvolvimento principal e estão na fase final de testes e correção de erros. Nosso principal foco nesta fase é melhorar a qualidade, mas adoraríamos saber qualquer opinião que queira compartilhar.


Nossas políticas e Código de Conduta cobrem o PTR, e a moderação no jogo continuará a ser suportada. Infelizmente, devido à natureza temporária e potencialmente instável do PTR, a assistência geral do Atendimento ao Cliente por meio do chat ao vivo e do site de suporte não estará disponível.

Não quero participar do PTR, posso remover o app da minha biblioteca?

Sem problemas, não ficamos chateados. Os jogadores podem administrar a visibilidade do acesso ao Reino de Teste Público do New World na biblioteca. Ao abrir as opções de jogo (clique com o botão direito > Gerenciar), você encontra a função “Ocultar jogo”.

Keep an eye out for feature-specific breakdowns as we get closer to the release of Rise of the Angry Earth on October 3. Obrigado pelo apoio e pela participação! Nos vemos em Aeternum.
