February Store Update

14 lutego 2022

Witajcie, podróżnicy!

On February 14 a fresh lineup of cosmetic items detailed below will be added into the in-game store. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with unique armor, weapon, and toolskins, alongside housing décor items. Other than a few exceptions noted below that are staying a little longer, these items will be available in exchange for Marks of Fortune until March 21.

For players looking to pick up large quantities of Marks of Fortune, we’ve added a new currency bundle containing 120,000 Marks. Players looking for larger sums will no longer need to purchase multiple smaller bundles.

Skórki pancerzy

Każdy z poniższych ubiorów to kompletny zestaw ze skórkami, które można zastosować do nakryć głowy, napierśników, spodni i butów.


"For those who find themselves lost in frequent bouts of admiration and swooning."

Koszt: 15.000 Marek losu

Szlachetny rycerz

"Upon donning this armor your chest swells with the urge to protect the innocent, the unguarded, and the lovers of the world."

Koszt: 15.000 Marek losu

Falisty ubiór

"Rising from the dark and twisting sea, a deadly wave crashes ashore."

Koszt: 14 000 marek losu

Skórki broni

Seasonal Skins

The following seasonal items will be available within the in-game store until March 21.

Cupid's Bow - Bow Weapon Skin

"These arrows find a home in the heart of an enemy and their bruised imprint stays there forevermore."

Koszt: 8.500 Marek losu

Glowing Admiration - Fire Staff Skin

"The flames of my affection cannot be tamed."

Koszt: 8.500 Marek losu

Love's Cool Embrace - Ice Gauntlet Skin

"Not all forms of love require the flames of passion."

Koszt: 7.500 Marek losu

Piercing Beauty - Musket Skin

"If looks could kill, you wouldn't need this gun."

Koszt: 8.500 Marek losu

Heartpiercer - Rapier Skin

"Much like an arrow of Cupid, its tip seeks to sink into a heart and endear itself there forever."

Koszt: 8.500 Marek losu

Crush - Warhammer Skin

"Is that heavy feeling in your body from seeing your beloved, or is it from the hammer they're burying into your chest?"

Koszt: 7.500 Marek losu

Non-seasonal Skins

The following weapon skins don’t have an end-date yet - we’ll provide notice in the in-game store before they rotate out.

Hallelujah Cannon - Musket Skin

"And so the mountains rang with the cry of Hallelujah!"

Koszt: 8.500 Marek losu

Angelic Bulwark - Tower Shield Skin

"To protect from wickedness and champion purity one must have a proper shield."

Koszt: 8.500 Marek losu

Spark of Light - Rapier Skin

"A beacon to slice through the darkness, to lift the spirits of all who see it wielded by a champion of the light."

Koszt: 8.500 Marek losu

Moloch's Fall - Void Gauntlet

"A fallen angel makes for a monstrous bearer of sacrifice."

Koszt: 8.500 marek losu

Pakiet skórek narzędzi


"Love benefits from great effort… and the accumulation of resources."

Koszt: 20.000 Marek losu


  • Charming Cudgel - "Close the pesky portals that lie between your settlement and your love's."

  • The Heartful Hook - "Fish for underwater creatures and for compliments alike with this royal purple rod."

  • Lumberlove - "Love as sharp as an axe edge for the felling of trees."

  • Heartthrob Pick - "Break that rock just like they broke your heart!"

  • Sweetheart Sickle - "Best at harvesting plants for bouquets."

  • 'Til Death - "For the skinning of pelts to decorate the floor of a tent for two."

Przedmioty domowe

Corrupted Love Décor Bundle

"Furnishings perfect for a romantic evening or for being trapped in a loveless eternity on Aeternum."


  • Romantic swooning couch

  • Romantic heart chair (2)

  • Romantic Candelabra (2)

  • Romantic Sconce (2)

  • Love Letter Desk

  • Tray of Love potions

  • Exotic bubble bath

  • Romantic Bouquet (2)

  • Romantic dinner table

Koszt: 20.000 marek losu



"Ride upon your trusty steed."

Koszt: 6.000 Marek losu

Give Flower

"Who would not be wooed by petals so bright and fragrance so sweet?"

Koszt: 5.000 Marek losu


"The breathless euphoria of true and undying love. Literally undying."

Koszt: 5.000 marek losu

Przedmioty użytkowe – pakiety barwników

Aby pomóc w dostosowaniu wyglądu ulubionych pancerzy w grze, dostępne będzie pięć pakietów barwników. Każdy pakiet barwnika kosztuje 3000 marek losu i zawiera pięć użytkowych barwników, które można zastosować na wybranych zestawach pancerza.

  • Soft Coal

  • Blemished Pearl

  • Blond

  • Sushi Green

  • Butterfly Wing

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