Witajcie, podróżnicy!
Missed out on your chance to claim untouched territory? Interested in establishing your foothold as the reigning champion of the land? Take your first steps on a fresh, blank slate when Fresh Start Worlds come to Aeternum on November 2!
We are excited to release the rollout plan for Fresh Start Worlds and an FAQ for any additional questions or concerns.
Rollout Plan
Find out when each world will launch below. You can also view our forum post to see each wave in your local time:
Wave 1 – November 2, 4:00 PM UTC
Central Europe | Artemis
South America | Artorius
US-East | Medea
US-West | Yonas
Wave 2 - November 2, 5:00 PM UTC
Central Europe | Gawain
US-East | Myrddin
Wave 3 - November 2, 6:00 PM UTC
Central Europe | Apophis
US-East | Devourer
Wave 4 - November 2, 7:00 PM UTC
Central Europe | Cleopatra
South America | Gaea
US-East | Amarah
US-West | Ennead
Australia | Sutekh
Fresh Start World FAQ
Q How long will the servers be locked from transfers from existing servers? Will players in these Fresh Start Worlds be able to transfer out of them?
A: There will be no transfers of existing characters into Fresh Start Worlds. We plan to allow transfers from a Fresh Start World to a legacy world at a later time.
Q Can players in Fresh Start Worlds transfer to another Fresh Start World?
A: Not at this time.
Q Will there be a 3rd character creation slot or will I need to delete a character to access these Fresh Start Worlds?
A: Players will have a third character slot added on November 2nd. Any and all character slots may be used toward Fresh Start servers or Legacy servers but you cannot have more than 1 character per world.
Q If the Fresh Start World population drops, does that mean it’ll be merged on a legacy server or will it be merged with another fresh server?
A: We will never merge any Fresh Start Worlds into legacy worlds.
Q How many Fresh Start World will there be?
A: All regions will have at least one fresh start server. Please see above for the rollout plans.
Q If I’m banned on a legacy server, can I start a new character on a Fresh Start World?
A: Bans are account-wide.
Q Will there be a world for SEA/OCE?
A: At this time, we do not plan to open any additional regions.
Q Will the new leveling experience be available on Fresh start servers?
A: All new content, including Brimstone Sands and the Revamped Starting Experience, will be available on these worlds.
Q Will Nightveil Hallow be available on Fresh Start Worlds?
A: No, but all future events will be available.
Q Will world population be higher on fresh start worlds?
A: No, Fresh Start Worlds and legacy worlds will have the same maximum population cap.
Q Will Fresh Start Worlds have a different build or moderation policy from legacy servers
A: Nie
Q Will there be a dedicated PVP Only or RP Only world in the future?
A: We do not have any plans to create a PvP Only or RP Only world at this time.
Q Will Fresh Start Worlds be language tagged?
A: No, they will not be language tagged.
Q Will Fresh Start Worlds characters be able to access already purchased items?
A: Yes, account-wide items like promotional and in-store items will be accessible.
Q How do I differentiate a Fresh Start World from a Legacy World?
A: Fresh Start Worlds will be tagged at the world selection screen.
Q Is there an official Amazon Games forum or Discord specifically set for people who want to participate in Fresh Start Worlds?
A: Nie
Q Will there be queues for Fresh Start Worlds?
A: We have queue mitigations in place but you should plan to experience queues on your Fresh Start World.
Q What if all Fresh Start Worlds are set to Full?
A: Servers may become locked between waves due to world capacity and queues but we will monitor worlds closely, especially during and right after the rollout phase to ensure that players can join a world in their preferred region.
Q Are Fresh Start Worlds the same as Return to Aeternum Worlds?
A: We will release Fresh Start Worlds at the same time as Return to Aeternum Worlds. Return to Aeternum servers will be reserved for event participants. Once the event ends, they will also be accessible to the public.
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