February PTR Announcement

3 lutego 2022

Witajcie, podróżnicy!

Aeternum is an ever-evolving world, and as such, we continue our efforts in providing our players with an assortment of ongoing new features, content, and changes. Similar to the activities leading up to our latest major update, we are approaching the release of our next large release and would like to once again invite you all to participate in the next cycle of our Public Test Realm (PTR)!


Kraina otwartych testów (PTR) to serwer z ograniczoną dostępnością, którego będziemy używać, by dać graczom wcześniejszy wgląd w przyszłe funkcje w grze. These preview builds are snapshots of upcoming major releases and are not final versions — you may encounter bugs, crashes, missing text, or other issues. Between our internal testing efforts and your reports, we hope to catch and resolve all serious issues before they reach the live servers. However, not every bug or feedback piece will be actioned on before release — some changes need to be investigated further, and may come in a subsequent patch or two. Nonetheless, hundreds of changes have already been made — with more to come — and the full release notes will be shared on release day.

To help with the feedback process, all newly created PTR characters will have the opportunity to instantly level to select level-ranges outfitted with appropriate gear and items.

The PTR will officially open tomorrow, February 3, at 10 AM PST (6 PM UTC). Servers are limited — to maximize world population and encourage higher occurrences of group play, there will only be one world available for this playtest cycle, with it located within the US East regional datacenter. You may have to change your regional selection from the main menu in order to discover the available test world.

This special preview client will be made available for download through the stand-alone Steam application, “New World Public Test Realm” (which should already be in your Steam library if you own the main game). Po zakończeniu okresu testów i zaktualizowaniu głównej gry New World o nową zawartość wszystkie światy zostaną zamknięte i wyczyszczone. W swojej bibliotece Steam zobaczysz aplikację New World PTR, ale nie będzie aktywnych serwerów aż do czasu ogłoszenia kolejnego testowania.

Jeśli natraficie na błędy lub będziecie mieć jakieś sugestie dotyczące usprawnień funkcji lub zawartości, prosimy o przekazanie ich poprzez nasze PTR sub-forum (dostępna jest także opcja w grze służąca do przesyłania opinii). Zrobimy co w naszej mocy, aby wdrożyć pomysły naszych graczy w ramach aktualizacji zawartości na naszych serwerach gry. Udział graczy w testowaniu pomoże nam wprowadzać w przyszłości niesamowitą zawartość i aktualizacje!

During this iteration of the PTR, we look forward to hearing your playtest feedback regarding the following changes.

Bugs, Balance, & Polish

Deciding when to align resources to provide new content or to focus on improving what’s already there is a delicate balancing act for a Live game, and New World is no different. For our February game update, we’ve taken a moment of pause on feature development in favor of improving the state of the Live game. As such, we’re pleased to share that a significant number of high-value bug fixes and improvements as well as some small ones have been made across the entire game experience.

While we won’t be providing new content this cycle, we hope that these numerous changes will provide you — our players — with a much better day-to-day experience as you adventure throughout Aeterum. Here are some of our more significant and exciting changes to look forward to playtesting on the PTR:

Player Combat

  • Weapon Swapping

    • Weapons can now be swapped during reactions, dodges, traversal and while using consumables (except weapon coatings) and will not interrupt those actions! There's a 1-second swap cooldown in these cases, to prevent instant weapon spamming.

    • Weapon swapping and attack actions can now be queued simultaneously! Such as, if you press a weapon swap during an attack's recovery, then immediately press an ability key, the weapon will swap at the first swap cancel frame, then immediately perform the desired ability. Although actions still have a buffer and cancel window, this change will make the weapon-change and ability-activate combo easier and more reliable to use.

    • We now prevent weapon swap buffers from being cancelled if you become staggered before the swap can occur.

  • Dodging & Blocking

    • We have shortened the length of recovery for all of our dodges! Dodging and entering into navigation should feel more fluid for all players now.

    • Basic attack startups for both melee and ranged can now be dodge and block canceled up to 2 frames before the first active frame. This is typically the first animation frame where the damage hitshape activates or the projectile/hitscan object spawns.

  • Jumping

    • Launching off lower height objects will no longer trigger a fully-committed landing reaction animation, allowing you to keep your momentum as you move through Aeternum

  • Balance Changes

    • A cleanup pass has been performed across all weapon types, helping a number of abilities and perks feel more predicable and potent out on the battlefield!

    • The Great Axe has received a significant rework to “Gravity Well”.

    • The Musket’s “Stopping Power”, “Sticky Bomb”, and “Shooter’s Stance” have also received significant reworks.

Player versus Environment

  • AI Improvements

    • We’re introducing a new Player-vs-AI physics collider solution that will significantly reduce the amount of pushback from bipedal and simple-shaped creatures colliding with player characters. Quadruped and long-creatures will receive a similar update in the future.

    • Improved AI targeting to fix instances where AI sometimes attacks locations the player used to be (instead where they actually moved to)

    • Reduced pushback on block from most creature attacks.

Napad na posterunek

  • Multiple AI and visual bugs have been addressed.

  • AI and siege weapons have received a balance pass.

  • Scoring mechanisms for contribution have been reworked:

    • Dealing damage now increases player scores.

    • Reduced the amount of points granted from killing enemy players.

    • Reduced the amount of points granted from killing enemy AI.

  • Adjusted game mode participation rewards:

    • Faction Tokens are now granted on match completion.

    • Outpost Rush Caches now reward 2 pieces of Outpost Rush specific armor and an Outpost Rush specific weapon. In addition, there’s also an added 15% chance of receiving a 4th item which may be a piece of Outpost Rush specific Jewelry.

    • Significantly increased the likelihood that Outpost Rush Cache rewards will increase player Expertise ratings.

    • Outpost Rush gear now rolls from a fixed list of perks that are more ideal for PvP combat. This means that traits like “Beast Ward” will no longer be found on Outpost Rush gear.

      • Removed “Beast Ward” from “Illusory Enigma” and replaced it with “Keen”. Please note that this change isn’t retroactive and it will only apply to new Illusory Engima’s granted after the patch.


  • Reduced Tradeskill EXP leveling requirements by 10% for the following tradeskills: Arcana, Armoring, Engineering, Furnishing, Jewelcrafting, and Weaponsmithing.

  • A new Trade Chat channel has been added, facilitating a dedicated space to hawk your wares!

Many more changes have been made across the entire New World experience. Check out our PTR Release Notes for a bigger picture and let us know what you think on the PTR subforum!

PTR Backstory Loadouts

Upon character creation on the PTR, players will be given multiple caches of special armor and weapons. Each cache has a designation based upon a general build based on a main attribute: CON, DEX, INT, FOC, and STR. To help manage the sudden onset of new items, do not open all provided caches at once, or you risk becoming encumbered! Instead, equip all provided bags and then follow-up with opening each cache deliberately. Any undesired caches can be dropped or deposited into your personal settlement storage.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania na temat PTR


Każda osoba mająca grę New World będzie mieć automatyczny dostęp do aplikacji PTR. Aplikacja PTR nie jest kompatybilna z główną grą, więc konieczne będzie pobranie osobnego klienta aplikacji (wymagane jest też wolne miejsce na dysku twardym). Poprzez PTR gracze otrzymają dostęp do specjalnych światów dostępnych w obsługiwanych regionach. Na początku nie wszystkie regiony będą obsługiwane. Dostęp jest możliwy na zasadzie „kto pierwszy, ten lepszy”. Mogą pojawić się kolejki.


Niestety nie. Są to oddzielne światy, więc obecnie nie można tego zrobić. Jednak, aby ułatwić testowanie, będziemy od czasu do czasu zapewniać naszym testerom specjalne wyposażenie, natychmiastowe poziomy itp.


Ukończyliśmy przedpremierowe wydania gry w PTR, które są w końcowej fazie testowania i naprawiania błędów. W tej fazie skupiamy się głównie na poprawianiu jakości – bardzo dziękujemy za wszelkie informacje zwrotne od graczy.


Nasze reguły i zasady postępowania dotyczą także PTR – będziemy nadal obsługiwać moderację w grze. Niestety z powodu tymczasowości i niestabilnego charakteru PTR nie będziemy zapewniać wsparcia poprzez czat w grze i obsługę klienta.


Oczywiście, nie ma problemu. Gracze mogą zarządzać widocznością elementu PTR New World w bibliotece Steam. Po wejściu do opcji gry (prawy przycisk myszy > opcja Zarządzaj), można użyć funkcji „Ukryj grę”.

Dziękujemy za wsparcie i udział! Do zobaczenia w Aeternum.
